The three stories span fourteen centuries, from the Dark Ages to the present day. Woven around the mysterious Knowledge Stone, each story is a powerful and absorbing account of human emotions and relationships, involving just a handful of finely drawn characters in situations filled with acute drama and tragedy. When the Knowledge Stone is acquired by one of the characters, it transforms everything in a most fundamental way, with each story providing different pieces of the overall puzzle. The full extent of the mystery of the Knowledge Stone is finally revealed in a series of awesome, fascinating and thought-provoking proposals on the reality of life in this amazing world.
Published by Piquant Fiction (2012). ISBN No. 9781903689820
The staff of the huge Space platform "Yggdrasil" were dismayed to hear that Commander Maynard Gorton had been transferred back to Earth. In addition to being a renowned Space vehicle designer, Gorton had been treasured as "The Yggdrasil Healer" who, for many years, had brought amazing solutions to intractable scientific, organisational and human problems.
However, is it a sad fact that best intentions of humanity can produce very unexpected reactions in some people. Many years later, a very disquieting discovery led to a Command investigation whose outcome proved to be inconceivably evil and cruel.
This story exposes the very heights and depths of human actions, relationships and motivations in an unusual scenario set many thousands of years in the future. A mystery story that is "outside the box".
Published by Highland Books Ltd, February 2017. ISBN 9781897913949