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Jack McGinnigle

Author of Fiction, Non-Fiction and Biography


Books are available in paperback or ebook forms through all Internet or     High Street booksellers.

Divine Weather

"Divine Weather" is a comprehensive but informal book that is aimed at anyone who is interested in the weather, ancient history or the Bible in its traditional form. The book explains in simple, compact terms how planetary weather works and conducts a unique examination into the occasions that weather imagery and concepts are used in the Bible to communicate information and ideas; everything from simple scene-setting to meaningful involvement with the most complex and spiritual concepts. The review resulted in a number of new insights into biblical interpretation which were widely discussed at the time.

Published by Highland Books Ltd 2001 . ISBN 9781897913613

Climate Change Apocalypse

The story of "Global Warming" is followed from its start to the 21st Century, detailing the predictions made by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), a truly international body of scientists coordinated by a Specialised Agency of the United Nations.

The book identifies and discusses all aspects of climate change, not only though scientific explanation but also by examining the parts played by family economics, individual sociology and personal morality, which,  in the Christian World, is based on the ethos of Christianity.

The book presents a refreshing "bottom-up" approach. Readers are not berated for their actions and instructed to change their ways; instead, they are invited to examine all the evidence and use their own intelligence and ethical sense to come to their own judgements.

Published by Highland Books Ltd, 2010. ISBN 9781897913857